Download CaGe

System requirements:

  • a regular (ANSI) C compiler (the GNU compiler for example) with a POSIX-compatible C library and a 'make' command,

  • an 'unzip' command,

  • a Bourne-style shell (bash for example)
    with very few commands (expr, mkdir, chmod, find), and

  • a Java installation of Java 8 JDK
    (with Java Native Interface [JNI] files -- which means that a Runtime Environment [JRE] won't be enough, you need the full Software Development Kit [SDK].
    Note that CaGe for now will not work with Java versions of 9 or above.


  • Download

  • Create a new directory, change into it, and unzip the file. Example:
      mkdir cage
      cd cage
      unzip ../ 

  • Start the installation by running ''.

    If the installation succeeds, you can start CaGe straight away (by executing '') and/or inspect the file CaGe.ini for some options.

  • You may want to start CaGe from other directories, without having to change into the installation directory. There are two ways to do this:
    • Include the install directory -- where is located -- in your standard search path (the PATH environment variable) -- you may want to rename to cage in this case -- or
    • create a one-line shell script that calls, using the full path of the file, and put that other script -- which you will probably want to call cage now -- in some directory in your regular search path.
    • Don't make a symbolic link to and put that in your search path. The script needs to find out where it really is and is not prepared to read symbolic link information to do this.

  • Note that with the default configuration, CaGe's data files are stored in the directory from where the application is started. Although CaGe should delete any temporary files, it is known that using the program and saving some things will soon cause several files, typically with long names, to gather. First-time users will probably expect to find their saved files in the current directory after finishing CaGe, and that is the default behaviour. But we recommend that users inspect CaGe.ini and consider changing the option CaGe.Generators.RunDir to some absolute path.

Download Source Code

Finally, as this is Open Source, you can download the (hopefully complete) set of files CaGe was developed with, packed into CaGe-sources.tar.gz. Use the Makefile as a starter. Try email for support, but the author warns you he has little time for it these days.

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